“Wait for me!”, Bob shouted as he sprinted to the elevator. An old man kindly held open the elevator doors even though there was not a lot of space. The elevator was packed with men and women wearing suits and ties. He had been late for his work because there has been a humongous traffic jam near his house.
Bob glanced at his watch and sighed in despair as he was late for his work. There had been piles and piles of work not completed. Suddenly, the elevator jerked back and forth to a stop. The old elderly woman next to him lost balance and spilled the coffee on his branded suit. Bob felt nauseous at the thought of having to clean his suit at the dry cleaner.
“Oh no, Did the elevator break down?” the man wearing a white t-shirt at the back of the elevator asked in a panic mode. People around started panic. Quickly Bob repeatedly pressed the red emergency button at the edge of the elevator. Loud sirens started to fill the elevator.
“Keep calm and be quiet” Bob shouted over everyone, “Let us wait for the fireman to come and rescue us,” he said in a stern voice.
After a few hours of waiting for the fireman, they finally arrived to rescue them. Heroically. They pried open the door. Everyone cheered and sighed out of relief. Bob quickly out gasping for air. He quickly thanked the fireman and he ran as fast as he could his office. He was very late for his work but fortunately, this was a good excuse for his lateness.