School canteens should be required to provide low-fat or vegetarian meals to accommodate the eating habits of all students over Australia

 In Australia, more and more students are choosing to be vegetarian or low-fat meals. In my opinion, I strongly agree that school canteens should be required to provide low-fat or vegetarian meals to accommodate the eating habits of all students over Australia. Currently, only a handful of schools across Australia provide low fat and vegetarian …

Should we make wearing masks mandatory in the midst of COVID-19

Recently, there has been more and more cases of coronavirus (Covid-19). The Australian government is thinking whether wearing masks should be made mandatory. In my opinion, I strongly believe that wearing masks should be mandatory. There are many reasons why it should be mandatory. Firstly, wearing masks can slow down the spread of coronavirus. It …

Lost in the snowy mountains

“Ahh!” they shouted as they were about to crash. The plane started descending as fast as an eagle. They hurriedly looked outside the plane. They were surrounded by snow. Flames started to fly up in the air. Engines rattled furiously.“Keep seated!” the air stewardess shouted as the passengers panicked. Quickly they huddled tightly. Hastily, they …

If you had a superpower what would it be and how you can help people and yourself

If I had a superpower, I would chose flying. I will be able to fly house to house, country to country and building to building. There are many ways to help people and myself. There are a lot of reasons that chose flying as my superpower which are ways to help people. Firstly, I can …