In Australia, more and more students are choosing to be vegetarian or low-fat meals. In my opinion, I strongly agree that school canteens should be required to provide low-fat or vegetarian meals to accommodate the eating habits of all students over Australia. Currently, only a handful of schools across Australia provide low fat and vegetarian food. There are many reasons why they should.

Firstly, all students should have the choice to choose what food they want to eat for lunch. School canteens should provide a choice of food to students. They should give different types of food like low-fat and vegetarian. Some students prefer to have healthier food.

Secondly, school canteens should be more inclusive because schools are getting more diverse. If school canteens provided more food like low-fat and vegetarian, they will feel like they belong in the school more.

Lastly, school canteens should provide more food because of the well- being and health of a student. If the Ndischool does not provide food like low-fat and vegetarian, students will feel sad and it will affect the wellbeing and health of a student, they might not do so well in class and cannot focus.

In conclusion, schools should give students the right to choose what food they want and they should also be more inclusive to students. This can also affect the well-being of a student. Schools should be required to provide low-fat and vegetarian lunches to accommodate the eating habits of all students in Australia.