Bob sat on the couch, feeling bored, thinking what he should do in this cool afternoon. After some pondering, he had thought of a brilliant idea to go hiking alone. The weather was perfect and it was neither too hot nor too cold. Quickly, he packed things that he needed into his hiking bag. Upon reaching the foot of the mountain, he pulled out a map and planned carefully a route in the mountains. Excitedly, he began his hike up the mountain. His long and tiring walk began.

Bob looked at his watch realised that two hours had gone by. Feeling breathless, he decided to take a rest on the ground. At that moment, the sky darkened, and the wind began howling fiercely. The angry wind blew stronger and the branches flew off.  In a flash, it started raining heavily. Lighting struck and thunder roared. Bob looked around to see if there was any shelter he could go to. In the distance, he could see bright light flickering on and off in a nearby house. He ran as fast as he could to the lights. As he came closer, he could see that the house was a dilapidated attap hut on a deserted piece of land in the mountains. Suddenly, the lights disappeared into the night.

Curiously, he looked through the window of the house and saw white sheets covering the furniture. He rang the door bell and waiting for a response. The people in the house seemed to have been swallowed up in the bowel of the earth. No one answered the doorbell despite Bob repeatedly pressing the doorbell and knocking the door. Bob shivered coldly and decided to go into the dilapidated house without permission. Carefully, he opened the door slowly. The house was deserted and so quiet. He could only hear the ticking of a clock on the wall. Curiously, he inspected the house. As he went into the living room, there was a moving shadow in a shape of a human figure behind the curtains. His mind started racing and his heart beated rapidly. Shocked about the thought that it could be a ghost, he ran to the door.

Nervously, Bob tried to open the door but it was bolted from the outside. As he looked behind him, the mysterious shadow seemed to be coming closer and closer by the minute. His heart was pounding so wildly in his chest that he could barely look. Like a leaf in the storm outside, Bob trembled and shook uncontrollably. He had no choice but to run as fast as his legs could go, he smashed the window to escape the eerie house.