The Thunderstorm mystery in the warehouse.

As John slowly walked up the dilapidated abandoned warehouse on the top of the hill, he could see broken glass shattered all around the floor. Being a detective as his job, he went in not knowing what to expect. The stale musty air lingered around as he went around the warehouse. There were broken bottles of wine and vandalism all around the property. Looking at the sign boards and the pictures, he was able to find out when the warehouse shutdown. At that moment, the skies darkened and the wind began howling fiercely. The rain poured heavily down. 

Holding the torch light, he turned around the corner and saw blood splattered all around the room. Not knowing what to do, he quickly called his team to come and investigate. His team of investigators quickly came in a huge white van. While he waited for his team to come, he looked around for clues. He looked all around the warehouse but still could not find the body. After a few minutes, the team of investigators and detectives arrived.

The professionals quickly took pictures of the blood and collected samples. Thinking like a detective, he looked around and tried to find some CCTV around the place. After a few minutes of tirelessly searching, they finally found only one CCTV in the entire warehouse. John quickly kicked down all the doors to find the room where CCTV footage was kept. His hope almost ran out but at the last door he found room. His team and him quickly searched the entire tape. After a few hours of looking at the footage, he found out that the murder was a young man in his 20s and the man that got killed was an old man in his 60s.