What makes life meaningful is working towards a goal or achievement in life even if it means hard work and persistence. It can also mean making a living by getting a job. Securing a job is not so easy; it takes years and years of learning and getting the experience. Many famous actors, singers, basketballers and more have worked hard to be as good as they are now. Famous basketball player Michael Jordan was looked down as a teenager and almost committed suicide but now he is a former professional basketball player. Hard work can mean different things like learning, training or repeating tasks.  They have put in tireless hours to achieve their dream. Making life meaningful can also be treasuring time, family and relationships. Spending time with family can mean playing games, telling jokes and many more. If you do spend precious time with them, when they grow up they will have a family and might not be able to spend time with you. Research have shown that parents that did not spend time with their children suffer from depression.  A meaningful life is not only working towards a goal or spending time with family but it also can mean having fun, enjoying life and making hobbies. Having fun means enjoying tasks such as going on vacations, playing computer games or something else.